Years ago, it felt like it would be a big deal to hit being 50. But now it’s on this summer’s horizon, I realise it’s really just another birthday. A big birthday, yes. A milestone even. Certainly a great excuse for a party. But definitely nothing to obsess about. Or worry about. Or be depressed about.
Sure, as we hit our fifth decade, our skin may not be as firm and line-free as it used to be – but the chances are we’re more comfortable in it than ever.
Take me. I enjoy getting glammed up for a night out, but I also don’t mind walking the dog in the early a.m. without a scrap of make-up on. And that’s something I wouldn’t have had the confidence or courage to do twenty years ago.
In lots of ways, reaching 50 is really rather liberating. You stop caring so much about what other people think of you. You stop trying to please everyone but yourself.
You may even feel you look better than ever before because you finally know what suits you and what doesn’t so you’re less likely to slavishly follow fashion because you’ve found your own style. Your kids (if you have them) may need you less than before, but that’s okay because you’ve got a circle of friends all in the same boat that you can spend more time with. And you also have more time to pursue passions – alone or with your partner – be that travelling more, going to the theatre or getting fit.
Embrace being 50
If you do want to make a big deal out of being 50, though, then go ahead! It’s a great time to embrace the maxim that ‘it’s never to late to try something new…’ So if you’re thinking of signing up to run a marathon, taking up a new hobby, moving house or taking a gap year to go travelling, I say go for it! With your years of experience, you’ll probably choose to do something that’s just right for you.
Oh and while we’re at it, let’s banish the words anti-ageing and talk instead about ageing well, shall we? We can’t hold back time but we can certainly make the most of it by looking after ourselves, grabbing new experiences and most of all enjoying the new opportunities in our lives that being over 50 brings.