Controversy has already landed on the doorstep of Britain’s newest political party, BUNK (pay no taxes). Inspirational founder and globally respected political thinker, Mr Moan, has a new partner, the former Russian Olympic shot putter, Eva Brick. Ms Brick was…
BUNK : the British United National Kingdom Party
Bunk, already installed as the bookies favourite for the May 2024 General Election, Mr Moan is leaving no stone unturned in his search for political success. He has revealed his ruthless streak by shuffling his front bench. While singing Boris’s…
A New Political Party Beckons
Mr Moan is back on form with news of his new political party: SENSATIONAL NEWS: Mr Moan, who is credited with being a great political thinker standing alongside Plato, Karl Marx, Edmund Burke and Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, has announced the…
No sex parties please, Ghislaine, I’m a nobody!
In October 2018, I, Mr Moan, writing for Mr and Mrs 50 Plus, revealed all in an article about Robert Maxwell’s death: seeRobert Maxwell’s Death, Tony’s Monday Moan Except I didn’t ……….. Recently, as I was waiting to meet with…
Earn Your Health & Lose Weight
Would you lose weight more easily if your doctors paid you? Tony thinks so and we’ve got a feeling he may be on to something. … “This is an article with a single objective ……. To say a huge and…
A Right Royal Mess in The Monarchy – The Monday Moan
This week Mr Moan shares his thoughts about the Monarchy and British Politics… “It’s vital that the monarchy keeps in touch with people. It’s what I try and do. Diana, Princess of Wales It is with regret that I must…
Obesity and Diabetes – Tony’s Monday Moan
‘Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health. It is defined by body mass index (BMI) and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via…
What Makes A Gentleman?
Below, Mr Moan aka Tony Drury shares his thoughts on what makes a gentleman ….. A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone’s feelings unintentionally Oscar Wilde A Modern Gentleman Mr Moan has a great respect for the Snowflake Generation.…
Charity Fraud – Tony’s Monday Moan
There’s fraud and then there’s Charity Fraud? How low can some people stoop! The very fact that there’s such a thing as Charity Fraud Awareness Week speaks volumes! So what is #CharityFraudOut? Tony tells us below … “Every good act…