Help for Heroes BBBR
Steve is One in Half a Million

Steve Craddock, 63, has raised over £500,000 for Help for Heroes. Read on … With…

Saskia Marjoram, Flower Essences Expert

In Quintastic People , we look at people ‘of a certain age’ who are pretty…

growing older
The Art Of Growing Older

Who will you be when this Thing is over? We must apologise – in the…

sailing around the world
Sailing Around The World With My Soul Mate

Below Simon Fowler tells us about sailing around the world with his wife after retirement…

James Roose Evans
91 And Still Writing Books!

In his tenth decade James Roose-Evans brings us a moving and quite magnificent piece of…

Elizabeth and Susan Jacobson
Ballet Based Movement

Below Susan Jacobson tells us why she introduced her Mum to ballet based movement and…

ageing appearance
Ageism – Are Women Invisible After 50?

Below, Naomi Woodspring writes about ageism, age and beauty, baby boomers and wonders if just…

Tony Jason Stafford
Tony J Stafford Dancing On Horses

In our ongoing quest to find and get to know quintastic people, we came across…

Feroze Dada
Feroze Dada and the Phaya Taung Monastery

Below Feroze Dada reflects on his life … Children of the Revolution A Spiritual Journey…

Jane Hallam
Jane Found A Solution To Menopause Night Sweats

At the age of 48, founder of Esteem – No Pause, Jane Hallam was troubled. …

Quintastic People

Quintastic people are everywhere.  old man - quintasticThere was a time when hitting 40 meant you were ‘past it’. No more though.  With 50 being the new 40,  most of us over 50s simply don’t think of ourselves as ‘old’. In fact, many people 50 plus will say they’ve never felt more confident or happy in their skin than now.

You don’t have to be young to be fantastic and that’s the essence of being quintastic.  You’re over fifty or older and you feel fantastic. With careers and jobs no longer being for life, many quintastic people out there are starting businesses in their 50s, 60s and even 70s!  And why not?  Free of the constraints of bringing up children, the sky’s the limit.

Age 70 with some extra time on your hands, why not write a book like some of our quintastic people?  Can’t find the right make-up for your drier skin, then start your own cosmetics company?  And why not?