There’s fraud and then there’s Charity Fraud? How low can some people stoop! The very fact that there’s such a thing as Charity Fraud Awareness Week speaks volumes! So what is #CharityFraudOut? Tony tells us below …
“Every good act is charity. A Man’s true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows.“
The CAF World Giving Index
In its 10th ‘World Giving Index’, the Charities Aid Foundation (“CAF”) asked if people in 128 countries have helped a stranger, given money, or volunteered for a good cause in the last month. The results show that the leaders were –
1. The United States
2. New Zealand
3. Ireland
7. United Kingdom
John Low, the Chief Executive Officer of the CAF, said, “We are reminded once again of the kindness and generosity of people across the world, despite uncertain times, to help others.”
The CAF Index also measures those countries that are improving the most, as follows –
+ Indonesia
+ Kenya
+ Singapore
“Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it.“
John D. Rockefeller: industrialist
According to the CAF Survey,in the UK, 60% helped a stranger, 71% gave money to a charity and 30% volunteered their time.
#Giving Tuesday is a growing movement which is combining with social corporate excellence and which takes place on the Tuesday after US Thanksgiving Day. Its aim is to create an international day of charitable giving. This year it is on Tuesday, 3 December 2019.
“I give a lot to charity when it comes to clothes.“
Alicia Vikander: actress
Charity is plagued by fraudsters. The Annual Fraud Indicator,which accountancy firm Crowe publishes, estimates that the annual amount lost to fraud is over £2.5 billion.
Charity Fraud Awareness Week
This week is Charity Fraud Awareness Week 2019 organised by the Fraud Advisory Panel involving forty major charities and regulatory associations. Their social media programme, #CharityFraudOut promotes openness and honesty about fraud.
Each day has a specific theme:
Monday 21 October: Understanding charity fraud
Tuesday 22 October: Fundraising
Wednesday 23 October: Cybercrime
Thursday 24 October: Insider Fraud
Friday 25 October: keeping data safe
“Every time I kick a goal, I do the Joining Jack sign, which is two Js linked together for Jack’s charity and for Duchenne muscular dystrophy“
Owen Farrell: England Rugby Union captain