Would you lose weight more easily if your doctors paid you? Tony thinks so and we’ve got a feeling he may be on to something. …
“This is an article with a single objective ……. To say a huge and sincere “thank you” to the wonderful people at MrandMrs50Plus because, without you, Earn Your Health Community Interest Company would never have happened. To add to the build-up, it is also a classic example of what the analytical psychologist Carl Jung labelled synchronicity – the coming together of two unrelated events to produce a result.
What were the ‘two events’?
The Monday Moan
At this point the Editor will need to lie down and meditate because I am going to mention ‘Mr Moan’. Kathryn still has nightmares over the matter. Three years ago, I was Mr Moan, a horrible person and very opinionated. Periodically, I wrote articles for Mrandmrs50Plus which made Piers Morgan seem half-decent. Shall we mention Mr Moan’s views on Brexit? Perhaps not.
One day I was talking to Mr Moan and we were discussing the growing press comment on the subject of obesity (this was long before Boris discovered he had a BMI of 36). “Mr Moan,” I asked. “You’re a genius. How would you solve the obesity crisis?”
The Healthy Future Programme
Three hours later Mr Moan created ‘The Healthy Future Programme’ which envisaged encouraging those who want to lose the pounds with financial incentives (£100 for each pound lost). Much to our complete surprise editor Kathryn published ‘’Obesity and Diabetes – Tony’s Monday Moan’. To our even greater delight, it produced an unusually high volume of reactions! (To Mr Nailsworth of Watford, ‘thanks for your letter. I can’t physically do what you suggest’).
So where is the synchronicity in all this? I had a meeting with my publicist, Teresa, to whom I take all my ideas. Her favourite word is “no”. On this occasion, Teresa, who has vast experience working for diabetes and mental health charities showed an interest. She said I should send it to the Department of Health and Social Care, which I did.
Holistic Dieting
A senior officer replied with interest and a hint of enthusiasm and said I should contact my local Clinical Commissioning Group, which I did. This is where I met Dr Sarah Whiteman who is now clinical chair of the Luton, Bedford and Milton Keynes CCG (which will become part of an Integrated Care Region under the current NHS reorganisation). Sarah encouraged me to progress the idea and I contacted Dr Linda Duffy who is a renowned psychologist in the field of holistic dieting regime: she met Sarah – wow!
Two hours in Starbucks where clinician Sarah met psychologist Linda, cemented their commitment. Teresa said “count me in”. So, I contacted a marketing guru called Kathryn who drives us with an unbelievable focus and I met with my web designer Toby who works closely with the NHS. We were six and we were committed.
Earn Your Health Community Interest Company
Earn Your Health Community Interest Company was launched on 27 April 2021. Its mission is to incentivise the nation’s weight loss financially and holistically. See www.earnyourhealth.org for full details.
Without Mrandmrs50Plus it would never have happened.
And, you ask, what about Mr Moan? I did warn him that offering pensioner bonds yielding 17% interest might seem suspicious. That is rather what the judge thought.
Guess what! He has a picture of Editor Kathryn in his cell.”