So many of us have been led to believe that once you get past a certain age you simply can’t have long hair. Anyone ever told Ozzy Osbourne that?! An ageing rocker is one thing though – it supposedly has a certain cachet – but cat-lady long is another ball-game completely. It shouldn’t be of course, but it’s that old double-standards for men and women thing rearing it’s ugly head again!
A Pink Bob?
Of course you can have long hair! Anything goes nowadays as far as hairstyles for older women are concerned. Remember Helen Mirren rocking the pink messy bob look a few years back? And Goldie Hawn may well be in her seventies but can you imagine her with a beige bob? Yes she looks a tad wacky sometimes but her hair suits her. Cher, on the other hand, great as she looks, continues to make the fatal mistake of dying her hair jet-black. A mixture of highlights and lowlights are one thing or even a way-out colour, but pretending to still have the same colour as when you were twenty is plain daft. All hair has different shades in it, yes even raven black, so hair dyed one colour, aiming to look natural, never really looks quite right.
If you have smallish features, a pixie cut looks fab whatever your age – think Judy Dench or Julie Walters. Slate grey hair and a feathery pixie hairstyle? Perfect. A long, layered messy shoulder-length style like Kim Basinger? That’s great too. Julianne Moore and her long auburn locks always looks fantastic. Though she doesn’t make that mistake of going too long. Do you think any of them ever thought about googling hairstyles for older women? Nah!
As I said above, anything goes. If you have the confidence and pzazz, then go with the flow. Change up your hairstyle and go for something different. If it doesn’t suit you then you can always grow it or cut it and start again!