I’m fairly sure that when I was a little girl, it seemed all old men wore grey or beige. Women too for that matter. Shapeless cardigans were de rigeuer and 50 was the point of no return.
Ok I may be exaggerating a little but people genuinely don’t seem to look or act so old so early in their lives anymore. Now of course it could be a case of me not seeing reality when I look in the mirror. Fair enough, as it’s not always a pretty sight, particularly first thing in the morning. Nonetheless, it’s true that the lines between young and old, once firmly demarcated, are now very blurred.
Over 50 Clothes!
Middle age happens much later than 50 years ago. People live longer and healthier lives. There are no ‘clothes police’ telling us what we can and cannot wear. Ok you can say that there never have been but that’s not exactly true. Jeans and all things denim were most definitely once the preserve of the young. Older women couldn’t have long hair. Bright colours were out and muted, fade-into-the-background colours were kind of expected.
Now, Mr C aka Mr 50 Plus is no fashion icon. Like most of us he likes to dress for comfort. In an ideal world all his clothes would mix and match so he could get dressed in the dark. That’s how interested he is in clothes. He puts on the first things to hand every day and doesn’t give two hoots about what he looks like as long as he’s ‘decent’.
Beige and Shapeless
There have been a few times when I’ve had to ‘disappear’ the occasional, sludge-coloured comfy cardi or jumper he’s acquired. We were in Vegas one year and it was particularly cold in the evenings so we popped out to buy a couple of extra layers. In a city full of some of the highest of high fashion shops, he managed to find a greyish, shapeless sweater which he proceeded to wear day-in, day-out for the entire holiday. And things were no better when we got home. This travesty of a pullover became his new best friend! I had to gradually wean him away from it and managed to relegate it into the painting/gardening clothes drawer with him none the wiser.
Resistant to going ‘clothes-shopping’, he’s not the easiest man to buy clothes for. If we’re in town together, I can sometimes edge him towards one of his go-to High St stores between coffee and lunch. He’s easily bribed by food! Online is the best way to go though and a couple of weeks ago I came across the perfect website for him – Jacamo!
Jacamo Men’s Clothes
Now Jacamo men’s clothes come in all shapes and sizes to suit most men. He loves a polo-shirt does Mr. C and Jacamo’s are particularly good as they do a slightly longer length. They’re also a bit more generous than their high street equivalents. Perfect for a Dad Bod! Yes they do smart stuff as you can see Mr Flintoff wearing above. But it’s the casual and smart casual where they come into their own. The prices of Jacamo’s polo shirts are half those of let’s say M & S, yet the quality and fit are, dare I say, better.
He’s well chuffed with the bits and bobs I picked up for him. A few polo-shirts, a jumper, some ‘comfy’ chinos and a parka. Yes he’s got a Parka. Not a mutton-dressed-like-lamb type parka but stylish and contemporary nonetheless. From now on I reckon it’s going to be dead easy to get him into some decent clothes. Have a look, Jacamo is well worth checking out.