Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re not sure about something relating to product reviewing, you should be able to find your answer here.
1. I’ve Just signed up. When will I receive my first product?
2. I’ve been signed-up for a few weeks now and haven’t heard anything. Is anything wrong?
3. I’ve just received a mail saying I’ve been allocated a product. What do I do now?
4. How many products will I be receiving during the year?
5. Where do I submit my product review?
6. How soon do I have to post my review?
7. I’ve just received a reminder, asking me to submit a review for a product I was allocated, but I haven’t received the product. What do I do?
8. Why have I been told that I have not posted my review and you will not be allocating another product until I do?
9. Can I keep my product once I’ve completed my review?
10. Can I subscribe as a product reviewer twice?
1. I’ve Just signed up. When will I receive my first product?
Firstly, thank you for signing up and welcome to our product testing team. Our products are allocated based on the information you have given us and relate to several factors: how old you are, whether you’re male or female, where you live, among others. Don’t worry if you don’t hear anything from us immediately. It may be that the current products available are not suitable for you or your own circumstances. As we said during your sign-up, you are guaranteed to receive products to at least the value of your subscription during your year.
2. I’ve been signed-up for a few weeks now and haven’t heard anything. Is anything wrong?
Probably not! Not all the products for review are immediately available. It may take a few months before a suitable product is allocated to you, but we are continuously monitoring the situation with subscribers and everyone will be allocated products during their subscription year.
Please make sure that we have your up-to-date details on record. It is REALLY IMPORTANT that we have a contact telephone number because many shippers will not dispatch a product unless the addressee provides one. If you move home, PLEASE let us know your new address as soon as possible by dropping us a line using the form below.
3. I’ve just received a mail saying I’ve been allocated a product. What do I do now?
Just sit back and wait for a little while. Suppliers occasionally take up to 28 days for the products to be passed through their system, but once allocated, your product will be monitored and we will check its progress as time goes on.
4. How many products will I be receiving during the year?
Some reviewers may receive more than one product to review during the year. If new products become available, priority is given to either new reviewers who have not yet received anything or those whose first product was of a relatively low value. We will try to ensure that the allocations are done as fairly as possible through the year.
5. Where do I submit my product review?
When you are allocated a product, you will be sent an email that contains a link to the product review page.
6. How soon do I have to post my review?
This really depends on what your product is. Some products such as toiletries or toys can be reviewed after a very short time, whereas items such as clothing might take longer to assess because of factors such as the effect of washing them. A reminder to post your review will be sent after a reasonable length of time if nothing has been submitted.
7. I’ve just received a reminder, asking me to submit a review for a product I was allocated, but I haven’t received the product. What do I do?
Simply drop us a line using the form below, saying what product you are referring to and we’ll chase it up for you with the supplier.
8. Why have I been told that I have not posted my review and you will not be allocating another product until I do?
Our system works on a one-product-at-a-time basis. This means that once you have been allocated a product to review your name is taken off the list of people being allocated products UNTIL you submit your review. Once the review is posted on our site, this restriction is automatically lifted and you are again considered for further products. Very occasionally, a product is allocated to you, but for some reason doesn’t get to you from the supplier. It either gets lost in the post, or there has been a problem with dispatch. We at MrandMrs50Plus are not normally made aware of these situations, so we assume that you have received your last product for review unless we hear otherwise. If, after one month, you still haven’t received anything, please drop us a line so that (a) we become aware of it and (b) we can start chasing it up for you.
9. Can I keep my product once I’ve completed my review?
Yes! We would also like to point out though that even though the item is yours to keep, it remains the property of MrandMrs50Plus.com for 12 months and must not be re-sold to anyone. This does not mean that you can’t pass it on to friends or family for them to use. Please ask them to post their own reviews if you decide to do so.
10. Can I subscribe as a product reviewer twice?
Sometimes both partners in a household want to subscribe as reviewers and this is absolutely fine. Many couples in the same household review products for us. However one person joining with two email addresses at the same physical address in order to obtain twice as many products will be frowned upon and subscriptions will be cancelled if this is found to be the case.
If the above doesn’t answer your question then please use the form below to contact our Product Review Team.