My pal Richard lives on his weighing scales. Every morning he stands on the platform and registers the reading. This has consequences because we go to rugby matches together. If, on the day of the game, his weight is stable…
A Man Called Boris – Tony’s Monday Moan
It’s SUMMER QUIZ time. Hidden in the completely fictional story about a politician called Boris are the titles of three classic films. Can you spot them? The Politician who thought he was Winston Churchill … Boris struggled to pull up…
Marriage – Tony’s Monday Moan
This week Tony is having a good old moan about marriage and relationships … “This Moan is about a ten-point marriage survival kit. “Husbands are like fire. They go out when unattended” Zsa Zsa Gabor A report, conducted by the…
Human Deception – Tony’s Monday Moan
Today Tony’s having a rant about those little fibs we all tell ourselves. Just human nature? Or is it human deception? “I am an author who writes crime novels (featuring DCI Sarah Rudd) and novellas. I saw my sister recently…
Depressed or Fed up – Tony’s Monday Moan
Depressed or fed up? Depression is a genuine medical condition, a real illness with very real symptoms. Depression is a mental disorder and is way more than just feeling miserable or unhappy for a few days. We have all come…
Moral Hazard – Tony’s Monday Moan
BREAKING NEWS: ‘A car has been hit in Shropshire by a train on a level crossing. Our thoughts go out to those hurt and their families. We are trying to ascertain who’s to blame.’ This typical news feature demonstrates that,…
The NHS – The Monday Moan
Happy birthday! Today (5 July 2018) is the seventieth birthday of the National Health Service. The celebrations are all around us. Which is interesting because it is in a state of near collapse. In 2019 Government expenditure is projected to…
Prisoners of Geography – The Monday Moan
Are native populations prisoners of geography ? Geoffrey Boycott (77) who, according to G. Boycott, is the greatest ever English batsman, is a southerner. He was born in Fitzwilliam near to Pontefract, which is in Yorkshire. Southern Yorkshire is in…
Helicopter Parents – The Monday Moan
Oh hell! No sooner had I sorted out ‘upskirting’ than along lands ‘ helicopter parents ’. You may need to take a pill (or drink a glass of whisky) before reading on. By way of background, on my first day…
The Faux Pas – Tony’s Monday Moan
The French phrase ‘ faux pas ’ translates to ‘false step’. A political equivalent happened last Friday when Sir Christopher Chope OBE, MP (Con: Christchurch: first elected 1983: majority 2017: 25,171) committed Westminster suicide. A barrister, he blocked a private…