The demands of modern living can take their toll on the amount and quality of sleep we get each night. Work culture is becoming increasingly stressful, busy and with an expectation that we are always ‘switched on’. Finding time to…
Win ‘222 Ways To Trick Yourself To Sleep’ Book
Mr and Mrs 50 Plus have teamed up with Piatkus to give you the chance to win one of two signed copies of ‘222 Ways to Trick Yourself to Sleep‘ by health writer Kim Jones! The book has 222 scientifically-supported…
6 Steps For Better Sleep
Do you sometimes struggle to get sleep? Feel sleepy a lot of the time? Below are 6 steps for a better sleep … Do you spend, what feels like most the night, tossing and turning trying to get a good…
Simba Hybrid Duvet – No More Night Sweats!
Kathryn aka Mrs 50 Plus has been trying out the new Simba Hybrid Duvet with OUTLAST to combat her night sweats. Read on … Lots of people get night sweats apparently but it’s ladies ‘of a certain age’ who suffer…