The menopause is an often overlooked aspect of womanhood that is shrouded in stigma. It is all too often suffered in silence, despite the profound affect that it may have on a women’s life. Symptoms can last for many years.…
Spring Clean Your Alternative First Aid Kit
Below Mike Wakeman shows us how we can harness the power of nature to optimise good immune health ……. More than two-thirds of Brits (69%) report feeling anxious about the effect COVID-19 is having on their life as we live…
The 7 Best Gut Health Supplements and Foods
Below Ronnie from Water for Health tells us about the best gut health supplements and foods … Gut health has become a hot topic in the health industry, to the extent that you might have become tired of hearing about…
Supplements and Diet for Menopausal Women
The importance of supplements and more importantly diet for menopausal women and people with arthritis … On the Greek island of Ikaria, the inhabitants are famous for having one of the world’s highest life expectancies – living on average, a…