Mr and Mrs 50 Plus have 3 copies of the Younger Next Year Back Book by Chris Crowley and Jeremy James, DC, CSCS, described as the whole-body plan to conquer back pain forever.
The Younger Next Year Back Book (Workman, £11.99) by Chris Crowley, co-author of the bestselling Younger Next Year series, and back expert Dr Jeremy James is a behavioural and whole-body approach to back pain and fitness. This Younger Next Year Back Book method identifies the behaviours that trigger pain and teaches new movements to heal the pain. There are 40 exercises and stretches to realign your spine.
Jeremy James, DC, CSCS, is the founder of and Director of the Aspen Back Institute in Colorado. Becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic was because of his own struggles with sport-induced back pain. He explains the workings of the spine and muscles, and why back pain is almost never a disease, per se, but the result of behaviour. The book then shows how to change our behaviour, find a neutral spine, and begin a regimen of simple exercises—with step-by-step two-colour illustrations – to realign our core to virtually eliminate back pain forever. Chris Crowley provides the motivation and patient perspective so popular with the Younger Next Year series.
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