Below are a few of the common health issues that retirees tend to notice and what you can do about them …..
Retirement is a major life adjustment, particularly if you’ve worked full-time all your life. Shifting gears from a full-time job into a life of retirement can have a massive impact on your health and lifestyle.
Common Health Issues
Thanks to this change, you will probably notice some changes in your body and mind, and how they both function. These can be alarming, which is why we’ve put together a brief list of the most common and some tips on how to cope with them.
Boredom And Loneliness
After a lifetime of working and spending time with people every day, it’s understandable that you might get bored and feel lonely after you retire. No matter how much you and your old work pals say you’ll keep in touch, they probably won’t have as much time for you as you expect, especially if they’re still employed. So, you might need to find a hobby or activity where you can meet new people to stave off boredom. You’ll then get to have fun and replace the human contact you used to get at work.
Stomach Sensitivities
As you adjust to your life as a retiree, you might find that your stomach takes time to settle down. That might be because your diet has changed now that you’re at home more often and can eat whenever you want, without having to schedule a break from work. Eating the same foods, particularly the ones that are full of preservatives or common allergens such as dairy, can lead to a potential food intolerance. If you’re concerned about your ability to digest certain foods, then take a food intolerance test to see if you need to make changes to your post-retirement eating habits.
Joint Pain
If you take up hobbies like knitting, reading or crochet, then you might find that your body grows stiff from doing repetitive actions all the time. This is usually caused by a combination of older age and strain from repeating the same actions, but it could also be a sign of issues such as arthritis. Whatever the cause, you might find that your joints become stiff, and you need to use a hot compress to relieve them or take some over-the-counter pain medication. If the problem won’t calm down, then you should go to your doctor. They’ll be able to check it’s not more serious and offer practical solutions.
Weight Gain
After retiring, many individuals find that they gain weight for various reasons, including overeating, lack of physical activity or because of advanced age. Whatever the reason, excessive weight gain is never a good thing, so you should work to create a stable diet and exercise regime. While you don’t need to be too laser-focused on your weight, you need to keep an eye on it to ensure that it doesn’t get out of control and potentially jeopardise your overall wellbeing.
Most of these common health issues are minor and can be dealt with using over-the-counter treatments, but if you’re unsure or worried about anything, talk to your doctor. They can check that the problem isn’t more serious and provide you with help that will ensure that you get back to full health.