eye and macular disease
Over Half of UK Adults Expect to Experience Sight Loss in the Next 10 Years

A new survey reveals over half of UK adults expect to experience sight loss in…

Let’s Talk Dementia

New research has revealed a lack of understanding around dementia and the impact it has…

weight loss
You Must Say ‘No’!

If you want to lose weight then say No, says Tony Drury …. It’s a…

self care 50 plus
Putting Yourself First

Unveiling The Power Of Putting Yourself First, No Matter Your Age! Life after 50 is…

health concerns in the elderly
Top Health Concerns in Older Adults and Ways to Manage Them

Growing older is a natural part of life. But as you enter your golden years,…

Understanding Visual Health: 4 Common Vision Problems Above the Age of 50

Below we look at the most common vision problems above the age of 50 …..…

surgical error
How to Support Your Partner After a Surgical Error

A surgical error can be devastating so understanding how to support your partner can help…

apples and weight loss
Common Health Issues For Retired People

Below are a few of the common health issues that retirees tend to notice and…

Snoring and Sleep Apnoea

Ever worry about snoring and sleep apnoea?  Do you snore? Does your partner’s snoring keep…

Man prostate cancer check
Encouraging Men to Get Checked for Prostate Cancer

New NHS figures have revealed that the number of men having treatment for prostate cancer…


50 Plus HealthFor the over 50s health often starts to become an issue. 

You may have been super-healthy most of your life. But you can bet that some health issue or other will crop up once you’re 50 plus.

Women’s magazines writing about over 50s health often focus on menopause and rightly so as this can be a huge issue for women in their fifties.  It can also be harder to maintain a healthy weight and many women suffer from anxiety. Our diet and fitness experts have plenty of advice and information for you, both to help and reassure you.

Over 50s Health

Men in their fifties aren’t immune from the rigours of their first half-century either.  Whether it’s prostate trouble, dodgy knees, thinning hair, there are a multitude of issues which affect men.

And then of course, there’s  high cholesterol, high blood pressure, urological issues, mental health, diabetes, obesity, asthma and heart problems … A veritable minefield!