Tony Drury
88 Articles0 Comments

Aged 77, Tony is a follower of the wisdom of Albert Einstein: “When a man stops learning, he starts dying.” He lives in Bedford with his wife Judy. They value every trip down the M1 to Watford to be with Grandson Henry.

You Must Say ‘No’!

If you want to lose weight then say No, says Tony Drury …. It’s a daft joke: Person One: “When did you start to lose a few pounds?” Person Two: “When I stood on some ‘Speak Your Weight’ scales and…

Amazon Reviews Are Vital

Today Mr. Moan is having a right old whinge about Amazon Reviews! Reviews that are so vital for the ongoing promotion and sales of any book ……… Ten, please, just ten: it’s enough to make Mr Moan even more angry.…

Tories Out?

A Failing & Weak Conservative Party? No More Tory Government! The End of the Conservative Dynasty is Nigh. Pick your own headline here as ‘Tory’ Tony has become a floating voter with no confidence in Rishi & Co. ……….. In…

The Truth – Does It Hurt?

Have you thought about dying? No, I mean seriously considered the possibility. Over the years writing articles for Mr and Mrs 50plus, a few readers have suggested that my early demise would be a good idea. I hadn’t thought about…

The Demise of Prime Minister Horace

Prime Minister Horace has resigned! “Mr Moan, stop blubbering immediately!” yelled Eva, his partner. Mr Moan, the founder of the British United National Kingdom Party (BUNK) pushed aside his bowl of creamy steel-cut oats with nut butter, berries, and cacao…

Those Glucose Spikes

“Mr Moan, please eat your broccoli” instructed Eva, his partner. Mr Moan, the founder of the British United National Kingdom Party (BUNK) grimaced as he stared at the bowl of green, steaming vegetable. “But it’s breakfast time,” he pleaded. Eva…

Mr Moan, Marmalade Sandwiches & The Monarchy

Even Mr. Moan thinks the Jubilee marmalade sandwiches skit was a masterstroke…….. “Mr Moan, please, stop blubbering.” But Mr Moan, the founder of the British United National Kingdom Party (BUNK) continued to whimper as he sat curled up on the…

To Wear or Not to Wear?

Hmmm… A naked dress! As Mr Moan, the founder of the British United National Kingdom Party (BUNK) was propelled across the lounge of their Mayfair Suite, Eva Brick, the former Russian Olympic shot put champion, made it obvious that the…

38 Bills

So what do Mr Moan and his side-kick Eva make of the 38 Bills laid out in yesterday’s Queen’s Speech? In all their time together, Mr Moan had never seen his partner in such a towering rage. He made the…

Finger on the Nuclear Weapons Button

“Eva, please reassure me that I’m not guilty of narcissistic vanity’!” Eva Brick, the former Russian Olympic shot put champion, stared at the founder of the British United National Kingdom Party (BUNK) and sensed tension within their Mayfair Penthouse Suite.…