Asking Nature for help with your emotional well-being is more common throughout the world than you may think. Read on to find out why wellness and flower essences go hand in hand …
We all know how much better we feel when we are out in nature or in our gardens surrounded by plants, or even just have a bunch of fresh flowers on the table. Like everything in the universe plants have a unique vibration that we are, mostly unconsciously, picking up on.
For centuries native people have drunk the dew from flowers to help with their emotional wellness. They intuitively knew that this water that had been energised by the sun contained the information that the plant had to share.
But it was only in the 1930’s that Dr Edward Bach discovered that if you added alcohol to this energised water to fix the vibration in the water and then diluted it down and took it as drops internally that it would help shift and release negative thought and behaviour patterns. This is when Flower Remedies (or Flower Essences as they are now also known) came into being as a system of healing.
It might sound a bit ‘woo-woo’ that drinking liquid containing the vibration of a plant can change how you feel and yet we have no trouble at all believing that a record, or cd, holds the vibration of someone’s voice maybe 50 years ago, and that anytime we want we can revisit that song and it can change how we feel. Flower Essences work in much the same way but because you are actually taking the liquid into your body, rather than just picking up the vibration through your ears, they are much deeper and more powerful than music.
The most famous flower essence is Rescue Remedy that I’m sure you have heard of, even if you have never used it. This is best used to relieve physical shock and trauma and if Edward Bach had lived longer I’m sure he would have invented more combination essences from his 38 single flower remedies.
How Can Flower Essences Help?
Mostly flower essences are used to address behavioural and emotional issues rather than physical ones although these days most people will agree that one often leads to the other.
So that might be worrying, or anxiety, or sleeplessness, or procrastination, dealing with traumaor any number of other things. Each flower essence has an issue that it helps to address but if you are new to essences it might be best to start with a combination essence that addresses a specific issue like a bereavement or having to deal with a redundancy or being diagnosed with an illness or not being able to sleep etc.
As we get older we often have more time to reflect on how and why we behave in certain ways and flower essences are incredibly effective tools for helping to shift old and no longer needed patterns. Things that we have had to deal with along the way like heartbreak or lack of self worth or being bullied as a child or not feeling that you deserved to be heard can still really affect our day to day lives and flower essences can be incredibly effective at changing how we feel and manage life in general.
How Do You Take Flower Essences ?
Usually flower essences are taken as drops under the tongue. For an acute situation, like fear of the dentist or going for an interview or getting the accounts done they can be taken an hour or two beforehand. For longer standing issues they can be taken several times a day for a few weeks or so until the issue shifts.
They can also be added to cold drinks or a bath, added to face cream or used as sprays.
The great thing about essences, because they ‘only’ contain the vibration of the plant, is that they don’t interfere with any medication and so are completely safe to take by anyone from birth onwards. They are also very effective with pets – just a dropper full of the right essence added to their drinking water or rubbed into their fur can really change behaviour problems.
Your Tool Kit for Life
So if you are looking for something that is safe and easy to take and you, your partner, children, or grandchildren are finding life particularly difficult, or you are ready for change, Flower Essences are incredible tools to have alongside you. They can be used either for particular crisis or as a self-development tool. After all it is never too late to change and grow and flowers have an awful lot to teach us.
![Wellness and Flower Essences](
If you would like to find out more a good place to start is here – Saskia’s Flower Essences have been making our essences in the traditional way and bottling all of our essences by hand for the last seventeen years. Our combination essences are particularly easy to choose and the descriptions are aimed at people who haven’t used essences before.