is offering you the chance to win a £200 Pelviva pelvic floor re-trainer prize.
Pelviva is a life-changing technology for weak pelvic floor muscles that cause bladder leaks.
If you have experienced bladder leakage you’re not alone. It could be as a result of a sudden urge to go to the toilet or from exercising, laughing, coughing or sneezing. Bladder leakage is basically passing urine when you don’t mean to. The medical term for it is ‘urinary incontinence’ which doesn’t sound very pleasant. Most women simply say they just leak without actually knowing why. The frequency and severity of bladder leakage varies considerably among women
The good news is that we can help you re-train your Pelvic Floor muscles and regain bladder control.
Pelviva is a single use, disposable Pelvic Floor muscle re-trainer. It uses a specially developed stimulation programme to treat the symptoms of bladder leakage in women.
The Pelviva treatment programme exercises your Pelvic Floor muscles to prevent bladder leaks when you laugh, sneeze, cough or exercise and to help you hold on when you urgently need the toilet.
If you’d like to be in with a chance of winning this valuable prize, then all you have to do is..
Enter Now
The competition closed on the 17th September 2019 . The winner can be found on our winners page.
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