woman after menopause
Living With Incontinence After The Menopause

If you’re a woman in your fifties there’s a fair chance you’re one of the…

5 Facts About Migraines

Below Dr Elizabeth Kershaw-Yates tells us 5 facts about migraines It’s Migraine Awareness Week from…

No More Wet Knickers

Are we really talking openly, at last,  about weak pelvic floor muscles,  bladder leakage and…

How Does Light Affect Our Mood?

So how does light affect our mood? If you’ve ever wondered to yourself why you’re…

Back Pain - IDD Therapy
Treating A Herniated Disc Without Surgery

Below, osteopath Stephen Haynes tells us how to treat a herniated disc without surgery ……

going deaf
Going Deaf? Get A Hearing Test!

Noticing a bit of hearing loss recently?  Well go and get a hearing test! Now…

cures for a sinus infection
Natural Cures For A Sinus Infection

Are you prone to sinus problems? Well below we have a few natural cures for…

hormone boost through exercise
In Need Of A Hormone Boost?

Gaining Weight, Losing Energy? You may be in need of a hormone boost.  Here’s how…

oestrogen woman 50
What Causes Hormone Imbalances?

Hormone imbalances have more of an impact on our lives than almost any other outside…

bruxism stressed woman
Bruxism – Jaw Dropping News For The Over 50s

Do you wake up most mornings with a headache or pain in your face and…


50 Plus HealthFor the over 50s health often starts to become an issue. 

You may have been super-healthy most of your life. But you can bet that some health issue or other will crop up once you’re 50 plus.

Women’s magazines writing about over 50s health often focus on menopause and rightly so as this can be a huge issue for women in their fifties.  It can also be harder to maintain a healthy weight and many women suffer from anxiety. Our diet and fitness experts have plenty of advice and information for you, both to help and reassure you.

Over 50s Health

Men in their fifties aren’t immune from the rigours of their first half-century either.  Whether it’s prostate trouble, dodgy knees, thinning hair, there are a multitude of issues which affect men.

And then of course, there’s  high cholesterol, high blood pressure, urological issues, mental health, diabetes, obesity, asthma and heart problems … A veritable minefield!