
Mary Berry’s Chocolate Cake

Everyone loves chocolate cake, don’t they? What’s not to love?  And if you’re going to make (and eat) a chocolate cake then where better to go for the recipe than to Mary Berry herself! Mary Berry’s Chocolate Cake Recipe is one of the very best recipes out there.

So make sure you have all the ingredients below and watch and learn, oh and enjoy too!

INGREDIENTS for Mary Berry’s Chocolate Cake


50g cocoa
6 tablespoons boiling water
3 eggs
2 tablespoons milk
175g self raising flour
1 rounded teaspoon baking powder
100g baking spread especially for cakes or soft butter
300g caster sugar


150g dark chocolate broken into small pieces
150ml pouring double cream
3 tablespoons apricot jam
1 small bar white chocolate (optional)


  • Pre-heat oven to 180ºC/160fan/Gas 4
    Grease 2 x 20cm push sandwich tins.
  • First measure the cocoa and boiling water into a large bowl, and mix well to make a paste. Add remaining ingredients and beat until combined. Divide the cake mixture between the prepared tins. Bake in the pre-heated oven for about 30 mins until well risen and shrinking away from the sides of the tin. Cool for ten mins. To turn out loosen the sides of the tin with a palette knife, then stand the tin on a mug or baked bean tin, hold the sides firmly and press down to release.
  • For the icing and filling, pour the double cream into a saucepan and place over a medium heat until just simmering, remove from the heat, then add the chocolate and stir well until the chocolate is melted and the mixture smooth. Set aside and allow to become cold and almost set.
  • Spread the tops of each cake with apricot jam. Sandwich the cakes with half the icing and spread the rest on top. Take a small palette knife and draw large “S” shapes to give a swirl effect. Shave the white chocolate into curls with a potato peeler and arrange over the top of the cake to decorate.

And if you need more chocolate after that, then this Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding is amazing!

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