The Therapeutic Benefits of Writing Your Memoirs.

Every single day you will recollect a moment, instance or memory from your past. One…

no self confidence
Over 50 and Feeling Ignored?

Are you over 50 and feeling ignored?  Do you think you’re having a mid-life crisis-of-confidence?…

relaxation breathing exercises
Breathing Exercises for the Over 50s – Six Steps to a Healthier You

Below, Alison Jowett touches on breathing, overbreathing and the importance of breathing exercises for the…

Do Pets Make Us Happier?

It’s often talked about, but is it really true?  Do pets make us happier, really?…

Janey Lee Grace - Imperfectly Natural
Getting Older is Inevitable But Ageing is Optional!

‘Time has not been kind’ is the phrase I fear most being said about me.…

Supplements and Diet for Menopausal Women

The importance of supplements and more importantly diet for menopausal women and people with arthritis…

The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is an ancient Eastern practice which remains highly beneficial to our lives today. …

Pilates for Back Pain
Pilates For Back Pain

It’s not uncommon for most of us to get some back pain as we get…

Empty Nest
How to Survive Empty Nest Syndrome

We might like to think of our fifties and beyond as a time of freedom;…

best foods for the immune system - broccoli
Some of the Best Foods for the Immune System
The immune system: our very own biological fortress against illness and infection. If only that…


Wellness has become a bit of a buzzword of late and over 50s wellness is big business.pebbles

As we get older, let’s say 50 plus, many of us start to have a bit more time for ourselves.  We realise how important it is to look after ourselves to ensure we have a healthy and happy old age.

If you still have children at home and/or older parents you’re looking after, then looking after yourself is just as important. Perhaps it’s even more important.

Over 50s Wellness

Over 50s wellness is all about eating healthily, keeping fit and being aware of our mental health. In your fifties is the perfect time to take up meditation or mindfulness.  No pesky kids to disturb you! Being aware and mindful of the present, stops you stressing about old problems you can do nothing about!

Back ache?  Take up Pilates or yoga – anything to keep you stretching and moving.

Don’t forget a healthy mind is as important as a healthy body!