What a Week

Trying to juggle a bladder that only holds a teaspoonful with sprog’s tantrums and ‘im indoors pacing and muttering some incomprehensible gibberish about cheese and wine really takes it out of you.  He’s been like a bear with a sore…

A Right Royal Mess in The Monarchy – The Monday Moan

This week Mr Moan shares his thoughts about the Monarchy and British Politics… “It’s vital that the monarchy keeps in touch with people. It’s what I try and do. Diana, Princess of Wales It is with regret that I must…

Democracy – Tony’s Monday Moan

What exactly is democracy? Well Tony enlightens us below and also questions the validity of a referendum….. Alongside William Shakespeare, Stephen Hawking and Simon Cowell, Mr Moan ranks as a truly great visionary and expressive thinker. He has been meditating…

Thinking About Retiring Abroad?

Is retiring abroad as popular now as in the past?   It seems that, global issues are causing retirees with plans to emigrate, to stay put.  President Trump, Brexit and a potential no deal are all causing people retiring to rethink…

The Truth About Brexit

Below our resident Monday Moaner Tony tells us the truth about Brexit. This is how he sees The UK’s exit from The European Union.  Mr and Mrs 50 Plus aren’t as optimistic as Tony … just saying … The Truth…

Question Time and Brexit – Tony’s Monday Moan

This week Tony’s Monday Moan has left Mr and Mrs 50 Plus pretty bemused. There’s a bit of Brexit, some less-than-forthright MPs and a parody of Question Time in ‘the melting pot’.  Let’s see what you make of it ……

The Ageing Population

You are in the majority. That is if you are aged over 65. I will explain the importance of this statement shortly.  Some good news though. The latest life expectancy tables show that women will live to 83 years of…

A Man Called Boris – Tony’s Monday Moan

It’s SUMMER QUIZ time. Hidden in the completely fictional story about a politician called Boris are the titles of three classic films. Can you spot them? The Politician who thought he was Winston Churchill … Boris struggled to pull up…