5 Facts About Migraines

Below Dr Elizabeth Kershaw-Yates tells us 5 facts about migraines It’s Migraine Awareness Week from 1st – 7th September, and we spoke to some GPs at The Online Clinic to find out the top five things everyone should know about…

New Beauty Buys

Beauty Editor Kim Jones shares some of her favourite new beauty buys … JO LOVES ROSE PETAL 25 FRAGRANCE, £70, joloves.com When I sprayed on this sweet fragrance, I was rewarded with sunny childhood memories of picking rose petals, with…

Mr Moan & The Falling Birth Rate

Today Mr. Moan gives us his take on the whole falling birth rate malarkey … “Mr Moan has a rather challenging question for you: Who said, “Two, maximum”? There are various possibilities:  The Prime Minister (aka Boris) when asked about…

Ballet Based Movement

Below Susan Jacobson tells us why she introduced her Mum to ballet based movement and why it’s good for all of us! Ballet Based Movement is online beginner ballet-based exercises for beyond 50s, regardless of fitness level. I set up…

Slogan T- Shirts – To Wear Or Not To Wear?

Ok so what’s the consensus on slogan t shirts when you are past ‘a certain age’?  Way back, some time after my 40th birthday, I read a piece in a glossy woman’s magazine, about what you should and shouldn’t wear…

The World of Blogging

Way back in 2006, Mr 50 Plus and I went for a career change. We jumped straight out of our comfort zone into the world of websites and blogging. I had actually worked in newspapers and radio, before my daughters…