Managing Arthritis and Joint Pain
Osteoarthritis (OA) or ‘wear and tear’ arthritis is the most common joint condition, thought to affect over 8 million people in the UK. It causes pain, swelling and stiffness in a joint and can affect any joint in the body.…
Kerala – True Beauty in India

Last year we visited a part of India that not many people know about – Kerala. Kerala proved to be an enlightening and memorable place where we met the friendliest of people, saw some truly impressive landscapes and immersed ourselves…

Is Advertising Wasted on Women Over 50?

Are you alone in getting so frustrated with advertising that you simply zone out?  Well maybe you’re not alone. Here’s why: Out of a group of women aged 53 to 72 – dubbed the ‘baby boomers’ – 72% of them…

Crossing the 50 Plus Line
There are many transitions in a person’s lifetime.  Some are life-changing; like puberty, getting your first job, buying your first house, having your first child, divorce (shock, horror!) to name a few.  Others just seem to happen without you even…