Things That Made Me Go Oooooh
From make-up to top beauty products, films and books, hand creams and chocolate, clothes and holidays, you name it - every month we'll tell you about products we particularly like or love. My favourite this month is the Botanicals Hand…
How to Survive Empty Nest Syndrome

We might like to think of our fifties and beyond as a time of freedom; an era of well-earned breathing space after raising a family, which is often combined with long working hours. But what happens when you finally get…

Don’t Read This If You Are A Cyclist.

The Monday Moan I blame Boris Johnson and his London based eighteen mile east-west  superhighway for cyclists.  All well and good when you go everywhere by limousine. Cyclists are human exocets. They ride on pavements without a care. Some think…

How to Cope with Late Onset Hay Fever

Although people seem to ‘grow out’ of their hay fever, some older people can actually ‘grow into it’ and develop Late Onset Hay Fever. Here airborne allergies expert, Max Wiseberg, explains why this happens and provides some useful tips for…

Stressing About Your Finances?

Do you ever have those days when you’re sitting with your family or loved one and you just question – how the hell am I 50 already?! Inevitably this can lead to discussions about hopes, dreams, maybe even retirement and…

Tim Drake Talks About Generation Cherry

From Enlightened Thrift to The Four Autonomies (Earning, Learning, Giving and Recharging) Tim Drake’s book is a toolkit for this new era of retirees.  It helps analyse your wider human wealth and develop a coherent and resilient sense of autonomy. …

The Optimist

I’m an optimist.  For me the glass isn’t half full. It’s two thirds full. I believe that because it’s true. It’s my reaction to the miserablist media who try to brainwash us into believing the world is going to hell…