Sharing Your Wisdom With Others

Wisdom, the world’s largest social audio-powered mentorship platform, today announces the addition of the ‘Meet’ tab to make it even easier for people to discover, connect and listen to interesting minds in its community. This new feature release follows Wisdom’s…

Generation Z and Intergenerational Relationships

The study reveals that Generation Z are 75% more likely than Millennials to confide in their grandparents over parents. To further reinforce intergenerational relationships, Inspired Villages launches its ‘Words of Wisdom’ campaign. It launches with spoken word poetry workshop, in…

Navigating The Relationship with Adult Children

Annette Byford is the author of Once a Mother, Always a Mother One of the joys and challenges of getting older is that us parents have to adjust our relationship with our children. This is at a time when these…

Consolidating Your Pensions

Why you Should Consider Consolidating your Pensions, According to Wealth Management Expert For many working individuals, they can end up with a range of different kinds of pensions over the course of their working life. This can leave many wondering…

People and Their Wacky Hobbies

Eventbrite’s ‘Hobby Hero’ competition aimed to find Britain’s greatest hobbyist. It is helping them share their hobbies with others in an effort to get the nation connected again. It’s an initiative supported by one of the world leading experts on…

Introducing The Traveller Chair

Enabling those with reduced mobility the ability to travel with freedom and independence “life can unfold with ease” Freedom and Independence Traveller Chair is a carry-on bag that turns into a wheelchair. Traveller Chair helps people with reduced mobility to…

The Demise of Prime Minister Horace

Prime Minister Horace has resigned! “Mr Moan, stop blubbering immediately!” yelled Eva, his partner. Mr Moan, the founder of the British United National Kingdom Party (BUNK) pushed aside his bowl of creamy steel-cut oats with nut butter, berries, and cacao…